I wanna see our bleachers
Splattered with the blood of our past speakers
Making the way for the future leaders
To redirect all the fucked up crap
That ended our world up in this stupid dilemma.
What is this thing called life?
Is there a lemon law to help
Guide us by shedding some light?
Today’s the day when we will start to see
Everybody pay for their human greed
And teach them all the true meaning of need.
Live and never forget
Life can have no regrets
Learn, but don’t look back
And goodness, show everyone equal respect.
Take that crap no more;
No more for sure.
I’m turning and walking out that door and
Hoping nobody has to deal with the drama of this world no more.
Space is faced with Earth’s disgrace for humans see every other species living in what we somehow see as “our space.”
It’s a planet we must all live on as one and to declare anything solely yours is completely wrong showing plainly that us humans just don’t truly belong.
Today’s the day we need to see
Everybody pay for their unnecessary greed
And all learn the true meaning of need.
Live and never forget
Life can have no regrets
Learn, but don’t look back
And goodness, show everyone equal respect.
Take that crap no more;
No more for sure.
I’m turning and opening a brand new door and
Hoping nobody has to deal with the drama of this world no more.
Who’s the one behind the master plan to run each person’s hopes and dreams into the already overflowing gutters soaked with the tears and sweat from each person who’s been working their asses off for nothing to be given to them that they deserve? Not even proper respect?
What is wrong with this place?
Why don’t you get your brain fixed?
Fucking shit, man!
How did this all happen?
Wouldn’t that be funny?
Watch the world going up in smoke while every damn bloke and fucking dick-head is sitting in their top chambers all snug as a bug like getting a nice warm fire place hug?
Well ignite that shit up in flames and we’ll all stand on our feet that are toughened by the years of being trained for this by the systems abuse since birth having no true options.
Screwed around every other corner just looking for the relief from this shady society.
This is what we have to do.
Group together as one and take what we deserve for our futures to be able to shine like the lights in the street when the world is all in a fight and nobody know’s how to make anything right.
Are we gonna lay down in a tomb??
Or what are you gonna do?
We need to fight the system once and for all or there will be nothing left worth fighting for at all.
Today’s the day we need to see
Everybody with no need for grief
And all learn to lend a hand when you can.
Live and never forget
Life can have no regrets
Learn, but don’t look back
And goodness, show everyone and everything love and respect.
Fight for the world.
Fight for your world.
Picture that perfect place where there is no ‘better’ because we are all truly in this together.
We need to stand up against the system that’s kept us all captive and is designed to keep us all in line.
We need to show that 1% the extent of what they have done to their entire company’s and communities throughout their existence completely blinded from their true reflection in the mirror through which we see them with our eyes.
Fighting for freedom again?
It’s the time my friend.
Thirst has no chance.
The fate is in our hands.
Live and never forget
Life can have no regrets
Learn, but don’t look back
And goodness. . . . . . . . . . . . RESPECT.