There is this one time of night that everyone knows better than to go out into the streets of their now shattered city’s remains. This was no longer a safe world for any of the survivors within the castles boundaries.
The hours between dusk to dawn are always the most dangerous times to be caught unprotected. How long do these people have to suffer for their race to survive?
The survivors always go out at the first sign of light when the sun shine is at it’s least toxic levels. Ever since the explosion in the mines that ran below their now shambled city, the entire area has been contaminated by radiation and who knows what else.
There’s oozing and crusting and flames ignite through the night with no end in sight for their suffering. They scavenge in the early hours so that they can rescue any one who was hiding in the darkness from the creatures who now rule their world.
They have all agreed that if they find another survivor alive but not going to make it through, they have agreed upon a pact that gives them the right to eat any of them who are not expected to make it.
‘Survival of the fittest...’
....they assume....
The explosion that caused all of the destruction from the mine underneath the city. It was planned. That’s why nobody in the city can explain what happened or even tell you any details of the day. They were all victims.
They were all part of a master plan to test a theory based on artifacts that the government and armed forces had discovered within the area they all lived in.
So what happens to these people from here?
They all died... they didn’t all truly pass on from this earth though.
Mainly only the ones who were sacrificed for the survival of the others rather than die of their feared death from the behemoths that walk among them now.
Due to the radiation and the unknown chemicals being exposed into their environment, there was a sudden combustion of new life forms that developed. They were all superior to the human’s forces. They were beasts. Monstrous, ferocious, blood sucking, bone crushing and brutal decapitators. They were nothing you ever wanted to cross paths with.
The stories these people could relive would haunt anyone’s dreams.
The death that you would expect from one of these creatures would be worse than that of losing all of your bodily parts while still feeling the urge to fight back, but ending up entirely hopeless due to all odds against you from the start.
So thus these people who died these horrible and unspeakable deaths though, they are the only ones who didn’t truly pass on from this place. Instead, their souls now have become that of what ended up defeating them. Their souls were vanquished and harnessed to help these creatures become even more powerful.
And over time, they hope to expand their forces and grow more and more powerful until they can no longer be contained and can do anything they please without fear of anything. These beings will take over everything from that point on.