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World Wide Meal to plan and dream for a Bright New Future?

Writer's picture: PizzaDabzPizzaDabz

As well as to the #public #world and #everyone on #Earth. Please read this post and believe in yourselves and have hope.

Today i opened my yearbook for basically the first time hoping to reflect on old days and look forward to further growth.

There is nothing for me to reflect on about myself other than this single picture I submitted and this quote.

To be honest, i wasn’t expecting many pictures. I did not expect to see that there was not a single picture or my name anywhere in this year book besides my photo.

Did i even make an impression on anybody?

Does anybody remember anything or any story or events or anything involving me?

I went through a lot during my high school years thus being inbetween attending two different ones while secretly desiring to just leave and go to the boarding school in Maine.

I am just looking for anyone who knows me from any time in my life to share any expiration you have in your memory of me.

I know i am not who i used to be, as no one ever stays the same. We fear change by nature as if it were worse than any disease. What we really need is to relish in the prospect of change and embrace it uniformly as one world community and change as a whole. Our planet is not divided. Why are we?

Even more so, our earth surfaces were joined together in a single form holding us all in spirit for we had not truly evolved to place yet in time.

Rather though, we deserve to see a change that we all equally believe is a positive solution regardless of personal opinions or beliefs.

End the puppetry and live as one society.

And cherish all memories in your life because some times are more easy to forget than others. Not on our own reconnaissance, but by the natural forces of time. Nobody knows everything. And nobody can truly dream to ever know everything. I believe in nothing being impossible as proven to me in my timely experiences. Yet still, the visions of tomorrow and the memories of yesterday need to join together to present to ourselves the true colors of the energies on this earth.

We can change the world.

One person can change the world.

Rather though;

Wouldn’t a group effort be more effortless and more rewarding to others?

One person can not change the world on their own accord,

But surprisingly, one person can inspire the world to change.

Final words of wisdom:::

I was suggested to research what makes humans so unique from every other species and life form here on earth. I discovered what in my eyes was a relavation of our own design that we have the natural resources and abilities to prepare and cook or diets/food.

This is the only thing that no other life on earth does(to my knowledge.)

Anyways, my dream since this understanding has been for the entire globe to synchronize time and to all share a meal together even for one day. No, we do not need to eat the same thing. But every human on this planet needs some form of food or nutrients to survive.

My idea is as follows:

Everyone accross the globe will have a meal together at a set time.

During this time; there will be a broadcasting across all tv’s; and social media accounts. As well as some people can share on their own blogs and such.

This day will be a day of planning. A day of hope. A meal to remember for everyone. And this day, this meal; this will be the start of a new time between our countries where there are no secrets or lies and less governing and more living.

I have learned through being sheltered so much in my life and having truths after truths hidden from me for “protection”.

Rather though; this lead me further into that “shelter” to the point i feared losing myself.

When i broke away from all the shelters, i realized how troubled this world truly is.

This world deserves better. And most people deserve better. I believe in equality for all. And this day i wish would be a new era in time where we can as a unit start fresh and put behind us the days of greed, hate, selfishness, power hunger, manipulation, bribery, thievery, bigotry, anger, deception and fear.

We now embrace the thoughts and emotions and ideas and experiences that are around us for what they are and not how they are or why they are.

There is only what we make ourselves see.

We have had the ability and control all along.

We must stand strong and unite together and rejoice in the new world that we can create in our own visions for world betterment and for more peaceful times ahead for all.

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