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Pizza Dabz Corner

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. Pizza Dabz Corner serves as a vessel to project my passions, and ideas throughout my life. I will share my lessons that I hold close to me as a part of me. 

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Those depression struggles

Depression is a disease that nobody can fight alone. You need support. That form of support has to be designed for you to work for you. Live

Scared of the path we lead..

I can not help save a planet that does not want to accept to be helped

Financial Progressive Reform..

c. All humans alive on this planet will receive a financial contribution/c suited for necessities for survival. This will not be a big payme

Crime for punishment? Or lesson learned?

I do not feel as though Jail should be anything like it is. I don’t agree with most of the laws. we as people should have the proper...


the world revolved without money before. Why can’t that happen again? it would end all of the world‘s problems. PLEASE!!!!

Monopolies?? Bad idea!

Companies should never have been allowed to monopolize. EVER! How do we not see this?? why should one company be allowed to have more...

Better plan

so now.. I ask you this... What is the source of almost all crimes?? Money!!! Take away the problem to find the answer to the solution.

Money is...

As the saying goes... “Time is Money, and Money is Time.” Wouldn’t is be wonderful if we could evolve as a whole planet and be able to...

Ideas for a better world

This world is run by greed because we all need money to survive and to get anything we need to get by in life. What if it didn’t have to...

Let me explain...

Today in America and all over the world, people are bowing to their governments. We, and by we I refer to the general population who are...

Four for no more war

“I’m switching. I’m switching to four. Four means no more war.”

Welcome to My Corner!

Hey everybody! My name is PizzaDabz! (not technically! lol) That’s just what my first tag was when I created my first Twitter account....

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Thanks for your interest in Pizza Dabz Corner. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!

Marlborough, MA, USA

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Hear It From Me

For years I have questioned the purpose of existence and why nothing has ever truly made sense in the world. I can’t believe what my eyes have seen now by the age of 26. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our world. I founded Pizza Dabz Corner with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and I’m still getting this off the ground. I have a lot of things to share and am open to any responses. Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting and let’s all hope that some day, everything on earth will be at one and we can say our jobs are done and at the end of our days sit to rest and be at relief with lessor stress. This is all I truly seek and hope that we can all live in harmony. Why can’t that truly be? We are all on earth to survive. That’s what happens when your born, and it’s not a choice that the baby get’s to make. So we are all here on our own wether you like it or not. But why can’t that one be a world 🗺 wide ONE?!

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Curiosity Leads to Adventures

"They say it was curiosity that killed the cats. 
We know that satisfaction brought him back. 
That cat came back the very next day. 
He had found his ‘cat scratch fever.’
The cat was down to life number 8 from his drop off of Cloud 9.”
-Don’t worry too much in life. Enjoy each moment, for we are not always as lucky as some cats.-

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